
The importance of your yes

It is incredible to see the changes that can happen after you say yes. Yes to moving to a different country, yes to stepping out in faith, yes to starting school, yes to that friendship. Yes, such a simple word but with so much impact.

I have come to understand the importance and the magnitude of one yes. My life changed when I said yes to Jesus for real and made Him the Lord of my life. It further changed when I said yes to moving countries and leaving the known behind to choose the unknown. It drastically changed when I said yes to bible school, which I never imagined myself doing before.

And it continues to change with every yes I am willing to give. Yes, to surrender my plans and trust Him fully. Yes, to the call on my life.

A simple yes can change the course of your life. When the disciples encountered Jesus, their yes changed everything. Would we ever have known about Peter, Matthew, John or the others if they wouldn’t have said yes? They laid it all down to follow Him, and they went on doing exploits.

Paul said yes to God and ended up writing 2/3 of the New Testament. Moses said yes to God and saw signs and miracles happen. Esther said yes to God, and she experienced the faithfulness of God. A simple yes. Yes, can change the course of your life and those around you.

There are so many people connected to your yes, connected to your obedience to God, connected to you stepping out in faith. The yes that you give impacts your life but also the life of those that encounter you. I mean, look at the disciples saying yes to God and being able to walk with the Son of Man. Being able to see miracles, signs and wonders first-hand. Being able to see the impossible happen. And not only that, but then seeing the impossible work through them. Their life changed with one yes. Once simple fishermen and then truly fishers of men, performing miracles by the name of Jesus, preaching boldly the word of God.

One yes changed the course of their life, and it can change yours too. My life changed when I moved to Amsterdam and changed even further when I began Bible school. There is power in your yes; there is power in your obedience to the Lord. It is not only for you but also for others.

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