
How much longer will you run?

I believe we are all here for such a time as this. No accidents, no confusion, we are supposed to be right here, right now. We are supposed to be a part of this century, this generation and this time. Yet I wonder how many times and ask ourselves, what we are here for? Are we here to be able to pay bills, have our little circle and not be too loud? Are we here to live a life that makes everyone else happy while losing us? Are we here to be perfect and pretend, wearing a mask everywhere we go that in the end, we have forgotten ourselves how the real us looks like?

Have you ever stopped and wondered why you are here, right now? Why you were not born 70 years prior? Especially in this fast-paced world that we find ourselves in, it is even more important to take moments of stillness and ask questions. So many of us live for the audience of many. The audience of social media followers or the people that we try to impress. Yet I wonder, how long can that be sustained? Is it not exhausting?

I believe that we are called to live for an audience of one. One and one alone, to do what He has called us for and keep our focus on him. Will that always look glamorous? Unfortunately, no but will it have an impact? 100%! We can look at the life of Noah. The one that built an arch, that took years to build for something that was never seen before. A flood that will cover every piece of land on the earth. Yes, for sure Noah must have been counted as crazy because, in all honesty, it sounded crazy.

Yet Noah was living for an audience of one, intending to please Him and do what he was called to do. Now we read the story of Noah, kids are named after him and we think about him. What a great story he had. Yet multitudes were living on the earth at the same time Noah and his family were. What about them? We don’t hear anything about them beforehand and surely not after.

When I read the Bible I am fascinated over and over again. And the more I get to experience the more I learn from a variation of angles. I read those stories and marvel at the faith of Abraham who was willing to offer his only son. I am fascinated by the loyalty of Ruth, clinging onto Naomi when she didn’t have to. The boldness of Esther, the excellence of Daniel, the surrender of David, the zeal of Paul and so many more.

It doesn’t stop there because reading those stories I realise they have run their race. They were there for such a time as this and so are we now. What is your story? What is it that you are here to do and are you doing that? Do you have something that you know, that you know, that you know that you know you should do but are not? Well, I believe we should leave the world empty, not leaving anything behind. Growing into everything we are called to be and doing every single thing we are called to do.

We can run like Jonah but even he returned. How much longer will you run? Run from the things God is calling you to do, run from the person he is calling you to be. How much longer? I ran, I physically ran but I also ran from what it is God said I should do. Why because I didn’t think I was the right fit. I felt like Moses.

But you know what God, does not make any mistakes if He says it is so, that means it is so. If He says I can do it, that means I can. Then there is something about me that I don’t know yet but God is not a man that He should lie. Therefore the one that needs to align is me.

I believe we all sometimes need to get out of the way and let Him do what He wants to do and trust Him. Like really trust Him and trust that He is who He said He is and that He will do exactly what He said He would do. So I want to encourage you today, to stop running away and rather run towards. He is a good father with a great plan for you.

Maybe it is time to start that course, to apply for school, to switch careers, to prepare for ministry, to change your language, to move countries, take a leap of faith, or start standing in your authority to pull people out of darkness into the light. Do not end your journey here with any regrets. Life is too short for that and He is way too much in store for you for that. 

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