
12 I Am statements from the book of Ephesians

Personally, I love Paul’s letters to the churches. There is so much wisdom and insight that we can take out of those even for our everyday life.

In the first 2 chapters of the letter that Paul wrote to the people of Ephesus we learn more about who we are in Christ. Especially, in the world that we live in it’s important to be grounded and rooted in the Word and find our identity in it. Many things try to define us, such as our surroundings, the school system, acquaintances, and people in general and sometimes even we also try to define ourselves.

However, how much greater is it to not be defined by the world and its standards or by ourselves but by the one who created us? The one that knew us from our mother’s womb, the one that has a plan and a purpose for us, the one that loves us unconditionally.

We can receive our identity right from the source, from God himself and then confidentially walk in it. I believe it is so important to be rooted in the Word and know who we are in Him. We first learn who He is and then who we are in Him. Of course, the whole Bible is full of truths about our identity. Paul in his letter to Ephesus states a lot of those truths that we can take for ourselves and walk in them. So, here are 12 I am statements out of Ephesians 1 and 2 that give light to who you are.

  1. I am blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places
  2. I am chosen before the foundation of the world
  3. I am accepted in the Beloved
  4. I am sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise
  5. I am made alive
  6. I am loved
  7. I am saved
  8. I am seated in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus
  9. I am His workmanship
  10. I am created in Christ Jesus for good works
  11. I am a member of the household of God
  12. I am brought near by the blood of Christ

Whenever you need a reminder of who you are, let this help you. Read those statements until they become real to you until you don’t just read them but actually believe them. When we are unsure of who we are we should always go back to the one who made us, since He knows best.  

What other I am statements have you found in the word?

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