Faith / Personal

We can be right and still wrong

A couple of Sundays ago at church, I had a conversation with a lady who came up to me to ask me about something. It was something personal but also something I hold very strong convictions over. So, I responded to her question and helped her with it but then I also told her what I thought about it. Did she ask? No! Did I still share? Yes. This is funny because I can oftentimes also just be quiet unless I am asked about my opinion. So I don’t have to say something and not always do. You can see it in my face but that’s something I’m still working through with the Lord.

Anyway, so I responded to her and guided her to someone else, who was responsible for her request. I didn’t think about it any further. I went about my day and continued. On Tuesday morning while I was doing my workout I felt the Holy Spirit reminding me of this exchange and nudging me to apologise. I couldn’t fully focus on my workout anymore because I knew I was wrong.

I, therefore, apologised for the way I spoke to her and told her how the Lord sees her instead. Honestly, I felt really bad. When she responded by saying that she was a bit hurt by how I said it, I understood the correction of the Holy Spirit. The only thing I could do was say thank you. I am so grateful for His correction.

This made me realise that we can be right and still wrong. What I said to her was not wrong it is even biblical and still I was wrong. I had to admit that I was wrong and apologise. After the Holy Spirit pointed out my wrong I honestly felt it too and I was really sorry. What I love about that was that he didn’t just point out my wrong but also showed me how to make it right.

The message I sent her wasn’t just an apology but it was also showing me how I could have said the same thing much more lovingly in the first place. Portraying the love of God, rather than making a point. I think this is what I am re-learning right now. I knew that but I am getting to know this at a deeper level. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 16:14

Let all that you do be done with love. 

It is funny because when the Holy Spirit corrected me it wasn’t to make a point but it was out of love. Out of love for me, He told me that I was wrong. This is the same way we have to do it too. Everything we do should be done out of love and with love. I think in this season I am getting a better understanding of what that means and how to execute it better.

What I love about it is that when correction comes, when we allow Him, He also walks us through how we ought to do it. And I love that. We are never left alone with it. What I am also learning is understanding how to say things with love. I can shoot point blank but that doesn’t help anyone. I can also explain to my best knowledge God’s heart behind things and His love for a person. Not trying to make them understand my point but to make them understand God’s heart for them.

Romas 2:4 says

Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?  

In the AMPC at the end, it says: „God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repent (to change your mind and inner man to accept God’s will)?“ It is not me or us making a point that will make people change but God’s kindness. So what we need to show them is that, God’s kindness. This is what will lead them to repent and therefore change to accept God’s will, which is His word.

It is not us but Him doing the work. What He is asking of us is to love. Not like the world does but how He does. We find more about it in 1 Corinthians 13. It is pretty much the whole chapter but you can also focus on verses 4 – 8. It is all about love.

In 1 John 4:7 it says:

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. 

We should love and do things out of love because we are born of God and as we know God and continue to get to know Him deeper, we should strive for that. Every day and with every encounter. Let’s be intentional about doing things in and with love.

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