Faith / Personal

Being Ready In And Out Of Season – And Remaining Ready

Today I decided to explore my neighbourhood a little bit and therefore went for a walk. Before leaving my house I went back to grab my umbrella. Even though the sun was out and the weather was great, I learned that it can change very fast. So I rather be safe than sorry.

So, I was walking around the neighbourhood and found a beautiful park around. With the sun being out it was such a joy to walk around there. Also, for some reason, there were not that many people there during that time. So I was able to enjoy it even more. As I was walking around I found the perfect bench by the water where I sat and could watch nature.

For me, this is one of the most calming things to do. Watching the birds fly, while they are chirping. Watching the movement of the water in the lake. And seeing the sun reflect on the water. I absolutely love this. In that, I forget time and can focus on the here and now.

So, I stayed there for a while and then got up to go back. As I was walking back it started raining. First, a little bit and then it was pouring and even hailing for a bit. I just took out my umbrella and continued home. As I was walking back I saw some people standing under some trees to stay dry. As I was walking past a thought hit me.

In that situation I was ready, I packed my umbrella in advance and therefore could continue my journey. The circumstances, which in that case was the weather didn’t move me because I was equipped. As I continued walking I saw some other people under a bridge waiting for a change of the weather.

As I passed the people it really hit me. I was ready and therefore able to continue my journey without delay. How many times do we have that with our journey in life with the Lord? How many times do situations hit us and then we go check what the word says about it?

This reminded me of Ephesians 6:10-18, the armour of the Lord. We ought to be equipped always, wearing the whole armour of God, whether it looks great around us or not. We ought to be ready in and out of season.

We therefore don’t wait for sickness to happen for us to dig deeper into what the Word says about healing. We don’t wait for our bank accounts to be in the red for us to learn about what the Word says about prosperity. Truly not being able to continue our journey because we didn’t prepare for the season just brings a delay on our path.

We need to be ready and stay ready. We need to be ready to fight even when nothing around us looks like it is time for that. We need scriptures ready before the time. We need to be equipped always. For me, it was also such a reminder to labour in the Word.

It was a reminder to get scriptures about a variation of different topics, meditate on these and get them down in my spirit. Get more into healing, prosperity, the blood, salvation, love, and faith. There are so many different topics that we can get into and really dig deep. So be ready and continue to stay ready, always.

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