
Faith at work

A while back I was applying for an apartment to live in and it was a beautiful space. It was big, had a garage and was a new build. It included a lot of the things I was looking for.

I was praying and standing in faith, believing for it and standing on the word for it. At a certain moment, I was so sure I had it that I acted on it. The word says believe that you receive it and you will have it. So based on that I acted.

I started looking for furniture for the place and then ordered an IKEA card to that place because I was sure this was mine. This was going to be my new apartment. Therefore having the IKEA card to get furniture just made sense to me at that time.

Fast forward I didn’t receive any response so I called the housing agency. They only asked me to be patient as they were working on it, which was fine since I could have moved in immediately after the response.

Then finally I received the email I was waiting for. A response on the apartment from the agency. I opened it and to my surprise, it didn’t say congratulations on your new apartment. No, it said sorry you didn’t get the apartment.

I was devastated. I was disappointed and I didn’t know how this could have happened. I had faith. I had complete faith for this apartment so it had to be mine. I expected it to be mine.

And this is where my problem was I expected it to be mine. Faith works always. I know that. And since I knew God’s will for me regarding having a place to stay I stood on that. There are so many scriptures in the word about it.

My apartment is already there. My disappointment came from expectations not being met. So after a while, I was reminded of what I asked God for initially. The apartment that I put my expectations on was not the place that the Lord had spoken about previously. I already had my place but because I got impatient I was ready to settle.

Not for something less than but something that wasn’t fully what God had. I was ready to have it to be okay but that is not God. He has more than just okay for me. That was certainly a learning moment for me. Faith always works but it works in accordance to His word. I can of course believe for something that is not His will but can we really expect Him to fulfill that?

The need for a new place grew so much that I believed for what was great in the situation. Yet God had already spoken and when He did it wasn’t about something that was good or great in the situation but something that was good or great period.

For me, that meant that I had to get back in line with His original plan. Submit to it and have faith for the right thing and not just anything. So I first want to use this as a reminder that faith always works. Regardless of your circumstances and the things you might have asked that you did not receive. Faith works, always.

Also, I want to go back to the initial things that God has promised, the things that He placed in your heart. And believe those things again, regardless of your circumstances. God never changes, His word never changes. Sometimes our reality just needs to line up with the truth.

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