
Finding the right time

Lately, I have been really into business books and podcasts again. I started listening to John Maxwell’s leadership podcast a couple of months ago. Today, he mentioned something about the right timing in leadership. I have been pondering on it ever since and then I started thinking about this blog again.

I started it nearly a year ago. When I started I was so excited and ready to run with it. At the beginning of it, there was also consistency to it and I had a plan for it too. While proceeding it became less and less regular and I began doubting whether I should even continue. As the doubt grew I wrote less and less and then stopped writing on here completely. Funny enough, I could never let it go completely. There was something about it, that was inside of me. Something that I just could not let go of.

However, as people say, life happens and for me, that meant that I had to focus on University. I focused on finally finishing my Master’s thesis, finalising Uni and graduating (will be having my graduation next month). However, I stopped the writing process completely in that season. The reason why I started seemed hidden in the midst of my heart. Hard for me to access and to place my finger on.

How I got back to it you might wonder? It wasn’t just the podcast that I listened to but a series of events that led to this. Let me take you on that journey.
I started a new job and the company is all about growth and personal development. This is also the reason why I accepted the role to begin with. It was what I was looking for. So, in my first weeks of being there, we had to create a vision board for ourselves and had to undergo a training program about purpose.

The beautiful thing about this is no matter where we go the Holy Spirit in us, is right there with us. So I was doing this and while creating it I asked the Lord about it. What to put on it and what to believe for again. And creating this was such a joy. It was like the things I used to believe for and the things I used to have burning in my heart were coming back to life as I put them down on the board. I looked at it knowing this was it.

We continued with the programme on finding purpose. While doing all of these exercises I realised that I had a longing to write. There is something about writing that fills my heart and when I take time to go deep within myself it reignites. It is as if I know deep down there is something about it, without being able to put my finger on it just yet.

So it came more and more alive and the excuses that I had created for me not to write became weaker and weaker. The circumstances did not change but the why became bigger than the things that kept me from doing it. So, not having the place to live that I am believing for, needing to commute and planning my time differently is not an obstacle anymore. It is something I will do now because my why is now evident. No matter how much I run from it and how long I run from it, I return to it.

I therefore might as well give it a real shot because this time the time seems right for it and I am ready to commit. Not just as a temporary commitment but as a real thing. I believe the desire for writing is there for a reason. Looking back at it, I honestly have to admit I did not steward this site well before. However, I am ready to pick up the pieces trust God with them and start from here. I will keep writing, no matter what happens on the outside.

The podcast I started this with spoke about timing and as I look back on what my life was like last year and all the commitments I had, it might have not been the perfect time to launch. Yet, I got to learn so much from it, that I would not trade for anything. So in that, it might have been the right moment for me to learn and grow.

Yet, this time I will give it a go again. Also, I want to encourage you, in case there are things that have been lying doormat or you cannot let go of or they always return, it is time to pick them up again. Give it one more shot but this time give it your all.

So with this being said, you will read more on here from now. Will it always be 100% perfect? No, I don’t think so but I know I will always give it my best and trust God with the rest.


  • Daniëlle
    3. Oktober 2023 at 23:19

    Girl you can write!!!


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