
Staying obedient to God

A while ago I felt like the Lord was prompting me to start jogging in the mornings. At the time I was already working out very consistently (need to get back into it). Also, I have to admit that running or jogging wasn’t my thing. I tried it once before and didn’t enjoy it. So, when that came I thought, but why?

If it is about being fit then the workouts that I was doing should be enough. Anyway, that was what I was thinking, clearly that wasn’t in line with the Lord. So I got myself some inspiring jogging gear and began. The first morning was a fight. It was me against me. Even though I am a morning person this morning just started way too early. It also included a task that required me to leave my house early and do something that I did not enjoy at the time.

It took me some time to get dressed and ready to go but I did it. Even though the first about 10 minutes I was still wondering why I was doing this but eventually I got into it. After finishing the run I felt refreshed and energised and was ready to do it again, and I did. Nevertheless, the mornings were hard for me. In the beginning, I had to keep fighting myself and actually force myself to go leave my house to jog.

I continued running for a while, thinking that I had to do it because of the increase in energy that I felt. Well, this wasn’t really the reason or not the full reason at least. I had a running route that I was taking regularly. Also, I used the Nike app to track my running, compare each run, and set goals.

One day, while running I was completely out of breath and couldn’t go further. So, I slowed down a bit. A bit further was a curve so I decided that I would speed it up again until I got to the curve and then finish for the day. As I was running to get to the curve I had some extra energy. To my surprise, I kept running even past the curve.

I kept running and decided I would continue running until I couldn’t go any further. When I got to the point where I really couldn’t go any further I stopped, took a break and watched back. And when I watched back I thought wow I never thought that I could still do that. And in that moment I felt the Lord telling me that the reason I had to start jogging was to see what was in me.

Initially, it was to see that I can do more than I even expect from myself. Even when I think I can only go so far I can push through and reach a point that will take me by surprise. A point that is much further than what I was even aiming for.

The funny thing about it is that I had to stay obedient. I had to keep running for a good season, it was more than 6 months before I ever heard the why. But the visual of what happened at this one jog hasn’t left me since.

In case God spoke something to you, that you should do, that might not make any sense immediately, just do it. The why will follow but it is important to be obedient too.

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