
Walking in the fullness of what He calls us for

I had and sometimes still have seasons where I am wondering whether I can do certain things. There are gifts and talents inside of me. Yet, there are certain things, that I wasn’t sure whether I can step into it. The beauty of it all is that children of God we are created for good works that He already prepared in advance. How amazing is it to know that He already has a perfect plan for us?

He knows us, knows our strengths and weaknesses, our likes and dislikes, even our quirks. So, when He calls us He already knows these things about us. We, therefore, don’t need to cancel ourselves out, because knowing us through and through He chose us. He chose you for the exact thing. He has called you because you are perfect for the task with all those quirks and your personality, you are perfect for it.

Ephesians 2:10: says For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. 

Also, one thing that stood out to me is the fact that it says that the works are already prepared for us and that we should walk in them. God has done everything that is there for it to do. He has set out the work. He established that it is good work as well. There is only one thing that we need to do, which in comparison to what He has done is tiny. That one thing is to walk in the work He has set out before us. Just taking one step at a time in that direction.

That is such a small thing to do. However, when we don’t know who we are and that God has all of these things for us it is quite a hard thing to do. Taking a step towards the sometimes unknown. When we know and get a revelation of the fact that He has prepared good works for us then we can trust that and don’t need to be afraid.

Jeremiah 1:5 says: Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.

He knows you from your mother’s womb He already knew you. He knew you before your parents even knew you were there. He knew you, chose you and loved you, all of those things without you having done one thing. This never changed He still knows you, chooses you and loves you. We just need to trust Him and walk in the fullness of what He has called us for, knowing that it is a good thing.

I believe two things can keep us from not walking into the things we are set out for. Well, I know these were the two things for me. The first thing was not knowing that God has good plans for me. I mean I knew He had good plans but I didn’t fully grasp the fact that He has good plans for me.

So, the first issue so to say was that I didn’t fully know God. I didn’t have a revelation that He is a good father and that He is not out here waiting for me to fail but the opposite. Also, it is knowing that He already has equipped me and that He does not make any mistakes. Knowing that He is who He says He is and truly getting to know Him and then trusting Him was one thing holding me back.

Sometimes bad things happen but I had to understand that a bad thing happening is not God. God is good. This doesn’t change depending on my circumstance or my experience. God is good that is a matter-of-fact statement. And only when I fully understood that I was able to trust Him in a way I could not before. Knowing that He is good and wants good for me, shifted my mindset and allowed me to trust even when I don’t understand. It allowed me to openly communicate and say: well I might not think I am the right fit but I know you don’t make mistakes so as long as you see it I trust you.

This leads to the second thing that kept me and that is thinking I don’t have what it takes. That’s I am not equipped enough, and I don’t fit the criteria. But I learned recently that when I fully trust Him it is not about me. I of course need to take the steps and make some adjustments and continue to grow but it is not about me. Putting my full trust in Him allows me to not rely on myself and the things I think I am capable of or not but to put my trust in Him.

Trusting that He does not make mistakes and that He did not start making them with me. Trusting that He knows me better than I even know myself. Trusting that He has my best interest at heart even though I might not have chosen certain paths for myself. Trusting Him and who He is. Trusting that He loves me and wants me to succeed.

For me getting an understanding of that came from dwelling in the word myself. Staying in it and letting it sink deep down. So deep that no one can now tell me that God is not good. That is so real to me as the fact that I am a black woman. No one can tell me otherwise. I was born black, I see that I am and no one can ever convince me of something else. In that same way, no one can tell me that God is not good and has a beautiful plan for my life.

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