Book Reviews

The 21-day fast field guide

Have you ever started fasting and didn’t know what you were doing? I mean, of course, you were not eating and you might even have known what you wanted to fast/pray about but still, there was not a lot of structure to it. I have been there. I had the time of my fast laid out, the purpose for it and dedicated my time to God. Also seeking His presence, reading His word and praying. However, there were no specific scriptures I used to back up those prayer points I had. I was praying and when a scripture came up that fit I incorporated it.

But I do believe it is more efficient to already have the scriptures laid out and form your prayer points standing on those scriptures. It is therefore not only mere words but the word of God. His promises that you speak out and back to the Lord. And as we know the word of God never returns void.

The 21-day fast field guide truly guides you through your fast. It guides you from before the start of the fast to the end. Also includes a section on how to correctly break the fast. It is a great guide for everyone fasting for 21 days for the first time but also for those having done it multiple times.

The guide starts with what to keep in mind before you start the fast and continues with how to prepare for the fast. This includes some things to eat and leave out of your diet a couple of days before the start of the fast. I remember one time, that is quite some time ago, I was fasting. Before the fast, I wanted to finish most things that were in my fridge so they wouldn’t go bad. So, I ate a lot up until the day of my fast. I can tell you that my body had a hard time coping with not being fed for an extended period after being overfed. So, don’t do that, I have tried it and can say that it doesn’t benefit you in any way.

Having the field guide would have helped me tremendously during that time. But God is good and it is never too late. So as you read through it you will also notice the things to keep in mind while you are fasting. For all my fitness enthusiasts that means no workouts for that time. I did try working out while fasting before and it left me exhausted. The first days still go fine but for a longer period, it gets tiring. Meaning that you might not have enough strength to focus as much on God and prayer.

What I love about the field guide is that as you stick to it you will be able to read the whole New Testament except the book of Revelation. It is so great that in just 21 days you can press in and read from Matthew to Jude.

As you go through the days take each day one day at a time. You will notice that as you take it step by step you are growing and also have less pressure on you. So, each day provides you with the bible reading for the day, continues with a little story and guides you through what you might experience. It also highlights how to combat those things while it ends with specific prayer points.

So, each day you know exactly what to read in the Bible. Therefore, you can spend your time with the Lord while reading that and let the Spirit guide you and highlight specifics to you. Further, while going through it, it feels like someone is doing it right with you. Like someone giving you advice and scripture on how to accomplish each day. It also provides prayer points beyond what you might typically pray for.

I can 100% recommend this book to everyone hungry for the presence of the Lord. Even if you don’t think that you can do the whole 21-day fast yet. You can always start with 3 or 7 days instead. This is still a great guide to get it started. Also, when you do feel the pull to extend it you already have all the resources you will need to keep going. This book has been a true blessing to me and will accompany me through future fasts as well. I believe that it can bless you too.

In case you have fasted with using this book let me know what your experience was.


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