
Layers and layers of you

The more I get to know you, the more I realise that I don’t know you
Every detail, facet, layer that is uncovered shows me more of you
Yet, there is so much more to learn, to uncover.
Uncovering layer by layer a privilege I get to enjoy daily

Constantly learning and growing in love for you
never ceasing to surprise me, uncovering more
A deeper understanding of your love and will
while getting to know your heart for people – layer by layer

I used to think there will be a day I know you fully
but I know now that the beauty of life is getting to know you deeper daily
Not being able to say that I know you and every part of you
but saying I am learning you layer by layer

Uncovering hidden mysteries, knowing your thoughts
What puts a smile on you and what fills you with pain
What makes you say „well done“ and
what makes your heart ache – layer by layer

Daily I get to know you better and understand you more
Yet I don’t know anything and this puts a smile on my face
It makes me want to learn you more, study you more
know you deeper day by day until we meet again
– Uncovered layers

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